pdf “We Live Here For Caribou” Tłı̨chǫ Cumulative Impacts Study on the Bathurst Caribou Popular
By Deborah Simmons 4121 downloads
Tlicho Ekwo Naowo TK report.pdf
This study is based on the traditional knowledge (TK) of the people in Wekweètì, Northwest Territories. It
investigates the connection between people and the Bathurst caribou from three perspectives: 1) the
importance of caribou in the hunting economy, and thus as a foundation for maintaining the Tłıc̨ hǫ
culture, language and way of life; 2) cumulative impacts on t he h erd f rom a) the resource extraction
industry, b) commercial outfitting camps and c) disrespectful harvesting, and 3) the connection between
ecosystem and culture, and the co-dependent erosion of biological and cultural diversity. Lastly, the report
outlines several steps to resolve these issues.