Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı
Sahtú Renewable Resources Board

pdf 20-12-01 Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Announcement - Information Requests Round 1 Popular

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20-12-01 Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Announcement - Information Requests Round 1.pdf

20-12-01 Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Announcement - Information Requests Round 1

This is the notice informing the public that the Délı̨nę Got'ı̨nę Government, Délı̨nę Ɂehdzo Got'ı̨nę (Renewable Resources Council) and Ɂehdzo Got'ı̨nę Gots'ę́ Nákedı (Sahtu Renewable Resources Board - SRRB) will hold a Virtual Public Listening Session Tı̨ch'ádı́ı hé Gots’edı (Living with Wildlife) – Predators and Competitors to be held during the week of April 19-23, 2021 in Délı̨nę. 

The Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Session will address the central question, “What should people’s role be in maintaining healthy relationships between caribou and other wildlife?” We welcome interested individuals and organisations to apply for status as formally registered Parties.

The SRRB also asked for interested parties to provide responses to the first round of Information Request. 

A. The Conservation Picture: Caribou, People and Planning

SRRB IRs to all interested parties

1. How are the caribou doing? Have you noticed any changes over the past year?

2. How are the people doing? Have you noticed any changes over the past year?

3. How is the community conservation planning approach progressing?

B. Predators

SRRB IRs to all interested parties

1. What stories or knowledge would you like to share about the past and present relationships between caribou, dı́ga (wolf) and Dene/Métis?

2. Should people play a role in controlling dı́ga populations to help caribou now? If so, what should this look like?

3. Are there any concerns that you have about other predators and their impacts on caribou?

C. Competitors

SRRB IRs to all interested parties

1. What stories or knowledge would you like to share about the relationships between caribou, ɂejıre (muskoxen) and Dene/Métis?

2. Should there be more encouragement to harvest ɂejıre for food security and commercial harvest, and to help caribou? If so, what should this look like?

3. Are there any other concerns that you have about other competitors and their impacts on caribou?

Information Request 1.2: Sahtú Ragóɂa (Hunting Law) and Approaches to Wildlife Harvesting

The following IRs arise from SRRB decisions and recommendations from the Colville 2020 Public Listening Session.

SRRB IRs to all interested parties

1. The SRRB made five recommendations related to barren-ground caribou hunting areas in the Sahtú region (Recommendations 7.1-7.5). Further evidence is needed to address area boundaries appropriately with respect to community jurisdictions. How should the Sahtú region define jurisdictions for barren-ground caribou harvest regulation?

2. Oral submissions to the Colville 2020 Public Listening Session indicate that Wildlife Act residency provisions and hunter education remain a “hot topic” within the Sahtú region. The SRRB wishes to consider this topic at the 2021 Public Listening Session. What roles do residency requirements and hunter education play in fostering or inhibiting respect for Dene harvesting protocols?